The Snake Eats it’s own tail – Colby murdered by CIA
The man who knew who too much to stay quiet – William Colby
Heroin, Israel and child sex abuse – William Colby (1920 – 1996) was the boss of the CIA from 1973 until 1976.He was no friend of Israel.
He knew a lot about CIA dirty tricks and he died in ‘mysterious circumstances’.
In 1973, President Nixon, threatened by Watergate, sacked Richard
Helms as boss of the CIA and brought in James Schlesinger. Nixon had
come to distrust Helms and the CIA. (William Colby – The Education Forum
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Schlesinger felt that elements of the CIA were acting illegally, and he sacked a number of CIA officers.
Elements of the CIA made life difficult for Schlesinger; there were
more leaks on Watergate. Nixon moved Schlesinger to the post of
Secretary of Defence.
In 1973 William Colby became boss of the CIA. Nixon hoped he would help reveal some of the CIA dirty tricks.
In 1974, The New York Times published an article by Seymour Hersh
listing illegal CIA operations. The so called CIA “family jewels”
included CIA attempts to topple or assassinate foreign leaders and
attempts to collect information on the political activities of US
The CIA are the real ‘terrorists’.
In 1975, the year that Nixon was forced to resign, the Church Committee was set up to examine the illegal activities of the CIA.
Colby, to some extent, cooperated with the Congressional committees led by Frank Church. (William Colby – The Education Forum)
Colby handed over to the Church committee details of the CIA’s attempts to sabotage the Chilean economy.
In 1976, President Gerald Ford replaced Colby with George H. W. Bush.
According to Wikipedia, “In later life, and in consonance with his
long-held liberal views, Colby became a supporter of the nuclear freeze
and of reductions in military spending.” (William Colby – Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia)
On 28th April 1996 William Colby went on a canoe trip at Rock Point in Maryland. His body was found several days later.
Colby may have known too much about 1. The CIA and heroin 2. Israeli
attempts to infiltrate and control the CIA 3. child sex abuse scandals
and the CIA.
1. William Colby was an officer of the
Nugan Hand Bank, ‘which was a CIA bank in all but name’. Reportedly, the
bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms
dealings. (CIA and Drugs WBLUM)
CIA,MI6,Mossad are the kings of the global drug trade
2. Michael Collins Piper in his book “Final Judgement” wrote (William Colby – The Education Forum) :
The August 20, 1996 issue of The Sun, a supermarket tabloid, carried
an exciting ‘newsflash’ which announced, “Dead CIA Chief Was Set To
Finally Blow Lid on JFK Assassination”.
The tabloid announced that former CIA director William Colby had been
planning to blow the whistle on the truth about the assassination…
….The fact is, that while serving as CIA director, William Colby was
considered hostile to Israel’s interests, so much so that it was Colby
who fired the Mossad’s longtime agent-in-place at the CIA, James Jesus
Angleton, who has been documented in ‘Final Judgement’ as the key CIA
player in the JFK assassination conspiracy…
William Colby fired this piece of shit Angelton from the CIA – and paid the price…
According to Wolf Blitzer, longtime Washington correspondent for the
Jerusalem Post: ‘CBS News back in 1975 reported that Angleton had lost
his job in December 1974 because of policy disputes over Israel…
Wolf Blitzer has written about how many high ranking CIA officials
didn’t share Angleton’s enthusiasm for Israel, citing Colby as a
specific example…’
In the Spring of 1996, Colby contacted a veteran journalist whom he
knew to be friendly with top Arab diplomatic, military and intelligence
officials and requested that the journalist arrange for Colby to meet
with a certain high-level Arab official….
According to a former federal security administrator who attended one
of the meetings, Colby and his Arab associate ‘had shared concerns.
Both men knew that their respective Governments were being infiltrated
and manipulated by Israeli agents. Following these meetings, Colby
agreed to go to work as a confidential advisor to Arab interests’.
It is interesting to note further that Colby’s death came at a
critical time when the Israeli lobby in Washington was engaged in a
major behind-the-scenes effort to substantially expand the power of the
CIA and its then director, John Deutch, a Belgian born Jewish refugee
and longtime Washington figure known for his close ties to Israeli
Colby would have emerged as a very loud and public critic of such proposals.
3. John DeCamp, who had once worked for Colby, investigated the Franklin child sex abuse case.
Shortly before Colby died, Colby warned DeCamp to give up the case.
However, ‘with the blessing of Colby’, DeCamp wrote a book about the
case: The Franklin Cover Up.” (George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control &
Child Abuse)
Reportedly: Many of the children described satanic rituals that they
were forced to attend, some of which involved sacrificing infants and
young children. Children attending these sacrifices were warned that if
they ever told anyone they would be the next to be sacrificed. In
addition, they told of being flown to locations around the country in
King’s private plane to parties where they were expected to take part in
any sexual acts demanded of them…
The CIA operates in child-sex-trafficking and has through front organizations such as a group called “The Finders”.
Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount stories of
seeing George Bush at some of King’s Parties. While an outsider would
not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was
taking place. At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at
one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young
black man… At least two of (King’s) victims have been wrongly imprisoned
for refusing to recant their testimony. (George Bush, The CIA, Mind
Control & Child Abuse)
According to this article at diary 2
Pedophile victim Paul Bonacci, reportedly kidnapped and forced into
sex slavery between the ages of 6 and 17, told U.S. District Court Judge
Warren Urbom in sworn testimony on February 5, 1999:
“Where were the parties?…down in Washington, DC…and that was for
sex…There was sex between adult men and other adult men but most of it
had to do with young boys and young girls with the older
folks…specifically for sex with minors…Also in Washington, DC, there
were parties after a party…there were a lot of parties where there would
be senators and congressmen who had nothing to do with the sexual
stuff. But there were some senators and congressmen who stayed for the
[pedophile sex] parties afterwards…on a lot of the trips he took us on
he had us, I mean, I met some people that I don’t feel comfortable
telling their name because I don’t want to —
…Q: Are you scared?…Yes…”
Compromised Homosexuals,perverts and pedophiles fill our “government”.
In his testimony to Judge Urbom, Bonacci reportedly named Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) as having participated in the parties.
Urbom did not ask Bonacci to identify photos of specific senators and congressmen, or reveal their names in court.
Urbom awarded Paul Bonacci $1 million for child abuse on February 19, 1999 regarding his lawsuit involving Republican party operative Larry King.
Bonacci said about Larry King: “I threatened to go to the police in
California, thought maybe they would listen whereas in Omaha they were
in his pocketbook…he had me hung out of an airplane with a rope by my
ankles…If they wanted to get something passed through the legislature,
he would put some people that were against it in a compromising
position. By using us boys and girls…Judge Urbom: Was this by your being
the sexual partner of that person?…Yes…Judge Urbom: …Any estimates of
how often you participated as the sexual partner of one of these persons
that he wanted to get some kind of control over?…There were times when
it would be four or five in a night…on probably a couple thousand
times…sometimes dozens of times with the same person…”
Paul Bonacci claimed the sex ring was based at Offutt U.S. Air Force
Base near Omaha. Bonacci said he was abused at the air force base from
the age of three onwards. The abuse began in 1970. At Offutt, Paul said
he was “trained” by tortures, heavy drugging and sexual degradation.
Offutt AFB was George W. Bush post 9 11 headquarters for a short period.
Larry King was reportedly released from prison on April 11, 2001 after serving about five years.
GOP operative Larry King allegedly hired photographers to capture
legislators and high officials in compromising sexual positions with
Real photo of a kidnapped child ‘Johnny Gosche’, used as a government sex-slave
Rusty Nelson reportedly confirmed Bonacci’s testimony to Judge Urbom:
“Q: Children on the airplane?…yes. Q: How young?…There was one
situation went back to Washington, DC…he had probably 10, 12 years
old…Q: Boys, girls?…Both…Q: Who attended the parties?…Prominent business
people, very prominent high-ranking officials, politicians. The younger
people. What would transpire was they would have a party and then a
party after the party…after the party was more of a sex-type deal…That’s
what Larry [King] would — — Q: These old politicians were having sex with each other?…Or people Larry would bring…some younger people…Did you take pictures of the parties?…I took pictures at some of the parties, yes…”
The Secret Service allegedly allowed Paul Bonacci into the White House on July 3, 1988.
A June 29, 1989 Washington Times front page story was headed: “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush.”
Reporters Paul Rodriguez and George Archibald said “Call-boys took midnight tour of White House.”
According to a Nebraska state police report, pedophile victims Nelly and Kimberly Webb detailed a massive child sex, homosexual and pornography operation run out of Nebraska by Larry King, but with close ties directly to the White House.
A Nebraska Dept. of Social Services report, by Mrs Julie Walters: “Nelly indicates she attended a party in Chicago with King and the male youths. She indicated George Bush was present…she sat at a table at the party wearing nothing but a negligee. She stated George Bush saw her on the table. She stated she saw George Bush pay King money and Bush left the party with a nineteen year old black boy named Brent.”
A detailed investigation into the death of William Colby – photos included – http://
Articles regarding ‘The Franklin Scandal’ –
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