
Monday, August 27, 2018

WE TOLD YOU SO: Explosive Proof of World-Wide Jewish Assassination Plots

report by Roy Batty from the Daily Stormer

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Turns out the kikes run an extensive world-wide assassination program against bad goys. WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED??


For years, many had speculated – for which they were promptly cast as tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists – that when it comes to achieving illegal goals, including but not limited to creating “false flag” terrorism and political assassinations, few are as skilled and industrious as the CIA and Mossad. Especially Mossad.

Image result for 'Rise and Kill First bergman

Only, as so often happens, most (if not all) such “conspiracy theories” turn out to be truth, in this case exposed thanks to the work of Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman, whose just published explosive book “‘Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings” details such Israeli plans as the assassination of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat which included a plot to blow up passenger planes and football stadiums.
Ronen Bergman, the intelligence correspondent for Yediot Aharonot newspaper, persuaded many agents of Mossad, Shin Bet and the military to tell their stories, some using their real names.
The result is the first comprehensive look at Israel’s use of state-sponsored killings.
Even though the book was written by a Jew, I’ll probably get it.
Turns out that Mossad has been targetting anyone who stands up to Israel’s nefarious kike agenda for decades and that they’ve been unusually brazen in their assassinations.
This is probably because Israelis and Western Jews are two heads of the same beast.
The Western, Liberal kikes that infiltrate goy society pretend to be at odds with their nationalist cousins in Israel, but its all for show.

Seems to me like the Liberal Jews make it illegal to criticize kikes and the “Nationalist” Israelis just kill you if you get in the way of Israel’s goals.

The Liberal ones are more subtle about killing you – they smear your reputation and make you unemployable. The Israelis just do it old school.

“I found that since World War II, Israel has used assassination and targeted-killing more than any other country in the West, in many cases endangering the lives of civilians,” Bermen chillingly wrote, in the process unleashing a whole new series of conspiracies theories, many of which will certainly also be confirmed.
This is some really shocking stuff that makes even my skin crawl. And I’m a veteran anti-Semite.
In addition to Mossad’s apparent penchant for covering up a single assassination among dozens of innocent victims, there is an even more bizarre revelation.
Bergmen writes of an assassination attempt inspired by the movie The Manchurian Candidate. Israelis reportedly sought to turn a Palestinian prisoner into a trained killer. The only problem is that this backfired when, five hours after being released, the prisoner turned himself into the police and explained everything.
Then there was plain old mass murder: another plan was to take out all of the Palestine Liberation Organization leadership by setting up bombs inside a Beirut stadium where the group were planning to celebrate the anniversary of their first operation against Israel. According to the book, the Israelis also set up cars rigged with explosives outside the stadium, set to detonate minutes after the first explosion to target survivors as they were trying to escape.
The operation was cancelled at the last minute, after a group of officers and the defense minister demanded it be called off.
“You can’t just kill a whole stadium,” an officer remembered telling then-Prime Minister Menahem Begin. “The whole world will be after us.
It wasn’t just Arafat: poisoned toothpaste that takes a month to end its target’s life. Armed drones. Exploding cell phones. Spare tires with remote-control bombs. Assassinating enemy scientists and discovering the secret lovers of Islamic holy men: these were the techniques Israel used to carry out at least 2,700 assassination operations in its 70 years of existence.

Jeez man. Everytime I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of the rabbit hole, I find out there’s more crazy shit out there – and almost all of it has something do with the kikes.

All I can say is that it is abundantly clear to me that Mossad and Israel are a threat to world peace…and I need to start being careful about the kind of toothpaste I use.

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