
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Why you should care Hillary is a LESBIAN !

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Rothschild choice Hillary Clinton – Being gay is a prerequisite to becoming “president”  of the “free’est” country on Earth.

Hillary Clinton is a closet lesbian AND this is very important to be aware of because this enables endless blackmail which can and will be used on her to further advance the Illuminati central banker world domination agenda.

Things like pedophilia, carnal abuse of teenage girls and boys, bisexual encounters and adultery are used in Washington, DC to entrap, extort and blackmail leaders in Congress, the White House, federal agencies, mainline lobbyists, insiders, etc.

It is often used by CIA, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), Mossad, MI6, etc to get the goods on certain people so they can get their way with them. It goes way past disgusting to the realm of permanently despicable. 

Still voting eh ?

 Check out the story Hillary doesn’t want you to read about her various lesbian affairs here  and here 

As Henry Makow says , ” The world is set to drop into the central bankers’ outstretched hand like a ripe peach from a tree. Illuminati bankers are harvesting the fruit of their centuries-old plot to destroy Christian Civilization and place humanity on a treadmill of greed, sex, violence, trivia and political correctness. 

They have succeeded because we have no leaders. They select obedient blackmailed perverts to execute their design.  I always marveled that Bill Clinton betrayed the dignity of his office and the trust of 300 million people for a blow job. But, in retrospect, a sex addict is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to our “leaders” (i.e. managers.)

– See more  of Mr.Makow’s excellent analysis on our “leaders” at 

For more information on Bill and Hillary’s criminal background go here 








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