
Monday, December 3, 2012

La Trama En Contra Del Internet

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Dubai is pictured. | AP Photo

Si los sionistas que fundaron y controlan la ONU logran uniformar los acuerdos para controlar el internet mundial seria el jake mate, Game Over, FIN,FINE para la poblacion mundial.
Bureaucrats from around the world will gather behind closed doors in Dubai next week to plot an end to the Internet as we know it — or so Washington would have you believe.
Hill lawmakers warn that the 120-plus U.S. delegation needs to fend off efforts by China, Russia and developing nations to use a United Nations branch organization to censor or tax the Net. Google is orchestrating an online petition drive, and even Grover Norquist is involved.
The hype is a perfect storm for Matt Drudge: The U.N. will take over the Internet — unless you act fast.
“It was very important for the United States to send a shot across the bow and let countries like China and Russia know that we are onto the games they’re trying to play,” said Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-Calif.), who led a successful effort to pass a resolution against the interference in August. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) backed a companion measure in the Senate.

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